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As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace
[1 Peter 4:10].

Sunday School

At COS we have Sunday school for children and youth. The children’s Sunday school meets during the 10:00 AM service each Sunday. We encourage all children in the parish to participate. Youth classes also meet during the 10:00 AM service. The children and youth then join the adults for Communion in the church. Adult volunteers are always welcome and needed to teach and assist with these classes.

Children’s Sermon Sunday

The last Sunday of every month we have a children’s sermon. We also encourage our children and youth to participate fully in that service reading the Scripture lessons, leading the Prayers of the People and presenting the offerings. On those Sundays all children and their families are invited to gather around the altar for the celebration of Communion.

COS Men’s Organization

The COS Men’s Organization is a group that is dedicated to raising funds for the improvement and enhancement of the Church.  It is open to all male members of the congregation over the age of eighteen years old.  Read more…

COS Women’s Auxiliary

The COS Women’s Auxiliary is the name of the women’s organization at the Church of Our Saviour. Membership is open to all women of COS, over the age of eighteen years old.  Read more…

  Mothers’ Union

COS hosts a chapter of the international organization known as the Mother’s Union. The Mother’s Union is dedicated to ministry by mothers to other mothers and to children. Meetings are on the second Saturday of the month.  Tinny Kenny-Panda is the COS Branch Leader of the Mothers’ Union.  Read more…

Altar Guild / Sacristans

The Altar Guild members prepare the altar for Sunday and weekly services, baptism, weddings, funerals, and other special services; arrange for altar flowers; and maintain the linens, vestments, and vessels used at all our services. Members are assigned to one of four teams, and each team assumes the responsibilities for a week at a time on a rotating basis. Teams typically meet on Saturday mornings. The entire Altar Guild meets several times per year for cleaning sessions before major holidays. Both men and women are welcome to join.  This programme is c-ordinated by Nellie Williams.


Administrators are volunteers responsible for counting the proceeds from the collection plate and other sources after each service.  They are also responsible for securing the receipts and preparing the bank of same.  The Head Administrator is Samuel Stokes.

Givings Recorders

These volunteers are responsible for documenting the pledges and other givings in order to prepare the congregants’ financial statements for tax and other purposes.  Statements are mailed out to the members on a quarterly bases. The recorders are led by Stephen Doe and Kathy Staudt.

Lay Readers

Lay Readers are members of the congregation who read the assigned Bible scriptures — first and second readings — to the church, during the services.  They also lead the Prayers of the People.  Lay Readers sign-up to read on a rotational bases.  They are scheduled by Margaret Gordon.

Samaritan Ministry

Samaritan Ministry was created in 1986 by twelve (12) Episcopal churches in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area to do more together than they could separately.  The satellite office at COS is run by Kathy StaudtRead more…

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir of COS sings every Sunday during the 10:00AM service, except for its August hiatus, and for other special services during the program year.  Practice and rehearsal take place on Thursday evenings at 7:30PM and Sunday mornings at 9:15AM.  Except for the director, this is an all volunteer choir open to all.  New members are always welcome. Read more…


The ministry of the acolytes is to assist at the altar on Sunday mornings and other special services. Acolytes are trained to carry torches (candles) and processional crosses, light and extinguish candles, and assist the priest at the altar and during the service.  Both children and adults are welcome to join in this ministry in our church.

Lectors & Intercessors

Lectors are scheduled to read the appointed scripture passages in the Sunday worship, while Intercessors are scheduled to lead the Prayers of the People. Training for this ministry is provided and we welcome those with clear, strong voices.

Prayers in Other Languages

To celebrate the rich cultural diversity of our congregation, at our 10:00 AM service we often pray the Collect (opening prayer for the day) in English and then another language represented by members of our church. If you speak a language other than English and would like to translate and read the prayer in that language one Sunday, please call the Church Office.


Several Chalicists assist at the altar each Sunday, serving the wine to those who come up for Communion. Any adult who would like to serve in this capacity, please call the Church Office.

Healing Prayer Ministry 

Each Sunday during Communion at the 10:00 AM service members of the healing prayers ministry are available in our Chapel to pray with individuals who wish special prayers for healing or other life events.  The Healing Prayer ministers are Ella Robinson, Emerica Williams, Adrian Maynard and Victor Robinson.


Ushers serve in the important ministry of greeting people as they come to services of worship at the church. They also distribute the bulletins for the service, collect the offering, assist people as they come forward for Communion, and notify the priest if someone needs to receive Communion at his or her seat. Ushers are often the first point of contact and welcome to those who come to our church. If you are interested in joining this ministry please contact the Church Office.  The head usher is Emerson Quaynor.

Newcomer’s Ministry

The Newcomers Committee is a ministry that looks at ways to welcome our guests and incorporate newcomers into the life of COS. One ministry of the Newcomers Committee is the welcome bags which are given out to all guests on Sunday mornings. We also invite anyone interested in the ministry to guests and newcomers to join the Newcomers Committee.


The Stewardship Committee at COS is a ministry in which the team works with the leadership and the congregation to spiritually engage and plan the programs we can support annually.   Stewardship reflects the gratitude and generosity we have been given by God and that we can joyfully return a fraction of the abundant resources we have been blessed with in the sustainability of our Church.  Our Stewardship Committee is chaired by Katumu PettiquoiSee more…