Chancel Choir

Choir & Music

Sing to him; sing praises to him...

I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live
[Psalm 104:33].

The Chancel Choir of COS sings every Sunday during the 10:00AM service, save for its August hiatus, and for other special services during the program year.  Practice and rehearsal take place on Thursday evenings at 7:30PM and Sunday mornings at 9:15AM.  Except for the director, this is an all volunteer choir open to all.  New members are always welcome.

Hearty and vibrant singing is a hallmark of the COS, especially with regard to the 10:00AM and 1:00PM services.  Whereas the choir is accompanied by the organ or baby grand piano during the former, there is guitar and percussion accompaniment at the latter.  At this Spanish language service the music takes on that distinctive Latino flavour, reminding us of our instruction to “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord…”[Psalm 100:1]. 

Facing the Congregation Makes for a Better Delivery