Our Clergy

Our Clergy

We are proud of our leaders...

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” [Proverbs 3:5-7].
The Rev. Francisco Valle - Rector

Biography of The Rev. Francisco Valle

The Rev. Francisco Valle, is the Priest-in-Charge of the Episcopal Church of Our Savior, Hillandale in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA.  Born and raised in El Salvador, he attended the José Simeon Cañas National Institute and obtained his Associate Degree in Social and Human Sciences. He was admitted in 1990 to the Roman Catholic Regional Seminary, “San José de la Montaña” in San Salvador, where he studied Philosophy for three years. In 1993 he began his studies in Theology, earning his Master in Divinity in 1996.

In August of 1997, The Reverend Francisco Valle was ordained a priest of the Roman Catholic Church of the Diocese of Zacatecoluca in La Paz, El Salvador. He was then appointed as Rector of the Saint Peter the Apostol Church in San Pedro Masahuat El Salvador, and Rector of the “Clara Luna de Samayoa” Parochial School by The Right Reverend Romeo Tovar Astorga, Bishop of the Diocese of Zacatecoluca.

During these first years of priesthood Father Francisco implemented and developed the “Basic Ecclesial Communities” – small neighborhood groups which meet to reflect upon scripture and apply its lessons to their, religious, political, and community life. He also managed and began the reconstruction work of the new parish school building and taught religion curriculum for middle school students at the “Clara Luna de Samayoa” Parish school.

In 2001, Father Francisco received a call to serve as a missionary priest, for the pastoral care of migrant workers and their families, for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Richmond in the State of Virginia in the United States of America. He was also appointed Associate Rector and Latino missionary for the St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church in Eastern Shore, Virginia.

During the following years Father Francisco served in the creation and implementation of the first pastoral plan of the Latino congregation in the area; personal and community development workshops, and; pastoral care of migrant workers and their families. He was then he was appointed Priest in Charge for the Church of Saint Peter the Apostle in the Eastern Shore, Virginia.

In 2014, after some sabbatical years, consultations and a long process of prayerful discernment, The Reverend Francisco Valle was received as Episcopal Priest for the Diocese of Washington DC, the USA capital.

He has since participated in the requisite course work and obtained certifications that reinforce his pastoral work. These include:

    • Certification of Child Development Assistant by the Council for Professionals Recognition of Washington DC;
    • Studies in Children’s Pedagogy, and;
    • Certification in Child Evolutionary Psychology.

The Reverend Francisco Valle is happily married to Lourdes Orellana and they have three children – Maximo Nestor Valle, Sabina Alexa Valle and Camilo Alexander Valle – with whom he enjoys a wonderful family life.

The Rev. Adela Vasqueze - Assistant Priest

Biography of The Rev. Adela Vasquez

The rev. Adela Vasquez is originally from El Salvador, department of Cuscatlán, and in 1992 she immigrated to the United States.

Born and raised in a Roman Catholic family, she was received into the Episcopal Church in September 2010 where she became an active member of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Hyattsville, Maryland.

As a lay leader she served as Eucharistic Minister, Catechist, Evangelization, lector and in the ministry of visiting the sick, it was there that she initiated her discernment and call to the ordained ministry.

Rev. Adela Vasquez was ordained a deacon by Bishop Marian E. Budde on November 12, 2022, at the National Cathedral in Washington DC.

Rev. Adela currently serves with her pastoral presence at Our Saviour Episcopal Church in Hillandale, Maryland.

Adela also works for Prince George’s County in the Food Service Assistant area.

Adela Vasquez is happily married to Francisco Vasquez, and they have, as a gift from God, two children, Jesse Vasquez and Zenaida Vazquez.

She enjoys her free time with her family.

Biografia de Adela Vasquez

Rev. Adela Vasquez, es originaria de El Salvador, departamento de Cuscatlan, y en el ano de 1992 emigro a los Estados Unidos.

Nacida y crecida en el seno de una familia Catolica Romana, fue recibida en la Iglesia Episcopal en Septiembre del 2010 donde comenzo a ser miembro activo de la Iglesia Episcopal San Mateo en Hyattsville, Maryland.

Como lider laico sirvio como ministro de la Eucaristia, Catequista, Evangelizacion, lector y en el ministerio de visita a los enfermos, fue alli donde inbicio su decernimiento y llamado al ministerio ordenado.

Rev. Adeala Vasquez fue ordenada diacono por la obispo Marian E. Budde el 12 de Noviembre de 2022 en la Catedral Nacional de Washington DC.

Actualmente sirve con su presencia pastoral en la iglesia Episcopal Nuestro Salvador en Hillandale, Maryland.

Adela trabaja tambien para el condado de Prince George’s en el area de Food Service Assistant.

Adela Vasquez esta felizmente casada con Francisco Vasquez, y tienen como un regalo de Dios, dos hijos Jese Vasquez y Zenaida Vazquez.

Su tiempo libre lo disfruta con la familia.